Streams of Faith

Campers won’t want to go home by the end of their week at Streams of Faith. With a focus on building relationships and community while having FUN - this week invites campers to escape the screens and spend time outdoors. With activities like four square, GaGa Ball, hiking, river swims, and more, campers will experience a week of enjoying the outdoors with no technology.

Camp begins at 3pm on Sunday afternoon and concludes at 10am on Saturday morning.

Meet Your Directors:

Streams of Faith 1 - June 23-29 - Mandy Palm

Mandy is from Austin, Texas, has been spending her summers at Slumber Falls for almost 40 years! Her parents met at camp as teenagers in the 70s and she grew up spending her summers at SFC with family and friends who became family. As a director, she brings fun, games, tradition and even a few surprises to her week at SFC.

Streams of Faith II - July 14-20 - Rev. Stephen Loonam

Stephen has been actively involved at Slumber Falls since he first came as a camper in the mid 90s, and he has directed every summer since 2008. He keeps coming back to camp to participate in and help campers experience the magic of creating community together - forming friendships while learning about and growing closer to God in an incredible setting. He also enjoys having fun, playing games, and telling stories and looks forward to sharing that with campers each year. Stephen is an ordained minister, and when he is not at camp, he works professionally as a hospital chaplain.




June 23-29 OR July 14-20


April 1 - April 30 - $600

After May 1 - $625

CITs volunteering at this camp attend at no cost.