Living Waters

Our week of middle school camp invites campers who have completed sixth, seventh and eighth grades to spend a week at Slumber Falls. With activities and programming designed for this age group, campers will spend a week developing community, building friendships and having a blast away from home.

Camp begins at 3pm on Sunday afternoon and concludes at 10am on Saturday morning.

Meet Your Directors: Cisco Tucker & Cade Wagner




July 7-13

Cisco Tucker and Cade Wagner are returning to Slumber Falls to direct another year of Living Waters. This dynamic duo are SFC veterans, both having been campers, counselors, and now directors. Cisco is well-known for her quirky car she hand-painted as well as beautiful pottery and other works of art! A native to Texas she is an artist and loves spending time at Slumber Falls camp interacting and impacting generations of campers. Cade, who was once a camper of Cisco’s, is a giant among men- seriously though- he towers over everyone at almost 6 and a half feet - is gregarious and fun-loving. A Slumber Falls Camper his whole life, Cade loves the camp and is a camper favorite each year. He is easy-going and wants to pass on his love for the camp to new campers. Don’t miss out on Living Waters! Cade and Cisco create a week of wonder, fun, and belonging for each and every camper


April 1 - April 30 - $600

After May 1 - $625

CITs completing CIT camp in 2024 who serve a week as a CIT will receive a $100 discount off the above applicable Living Waters rate.